Friday, January 20, 2012

About Me Adjective Frames

I have to admit, I didn't actually read the blog post about this Adjectives activity but just went by the picture.  Looking at it now, I pretty much got the right idea. ; )

The boys and I worked on Parts of Speech earlier this week, new learning for the 6 year old and review for the 9 year old.  We played some Mad Libs and then did this face framing About Me activity.  I've also been discussing choosing more interesting words in writing with the 9 year old and recently got him a children's thesaurus.

We pulled that out and got to work thinking of words that described each of them and looking through the thesaurus for inspiration.  It was fun for me to see which words they identified themselves with and they had fun finding a word like "smart" in the thesaurus and choosing which variation of that word they liked the best (the 6 year old chose "bright").  It was good reinforcement for learning parts of speech when we'd find a word like "play" and talk about how that was an action word, but the word "playful" was a describing word.

The boys and I all enjoyed this activity and it's another one I'm sure we'll revisit in the future.

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