Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree Pizza

This dinner was intended for Friday, but that ended up being one of those days where life just got in the way. I took the boys to a Nerf gun battle their dad was hosting at the Boys and Girls Club and, on the way home, we stopped by the grocery store to get pepperoni for our pizza. We were only in there for about 15 minutes but when we came back out, the car was dead, dead, dead. We had a couple of friends coming over that night and, since dealing with the car took up an extra hour out of our night, we ended up just doing frozen pizza.

Christmas Tree Pizza was moved to Saturday night. I gave the job of shaping the dough into a Christmas tree shape to the hubby while I was shredding the cheese. I'll let you decide how good of a job he did. ; )

The kids thought this was a lot of fun, although the 5 year old first thought it was a fish pizza. Again, the hubby was the dough shaper . I'm sure we'll end up doing this, or some similar shape, every year. It's a quick, easy, fun way to bring a little Christmas spirit into dinner time!

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