Friday, December 30, 2011

Crock Pot Breakfast Casserole

Our family usually has the tradition of celebrating Christmas together on Christmas Eve.  We (my immediate family, dad, and brother) all get together and have fondue for dinner and then open our presents.  Since my brother got married a couple of years ago, this has had to evolve and change so that they can also incorporate their plans with her family.

This year, we did a Christmas Eve brunch for the first time.  Those of us who know us, know that we are not early risers in our family.  We're a late to sleep, late to rise kind of crew.  I wanted something to make that wouldn't involve me having to get up a few hours early to be in the kitchen so when I went through my Food board and saw this Crock Pot Breakfast Casserole pin, I knew it was just the thing!

We assembled it around midnight on Christmas Eve Eve (the kids got such a kick this year at wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve, then Eve Eve, and finally! Eve) and it was quick and easy.  We skipped the onions and peppers because of personal preference. We also used seasoned salt instead of dill because I didn't have any dill. The most time consuming part was cooking the bacon, the rest was pretty much tossing things into the crock pot.

The house smelled SO good when we woke up the next morning!  The casserole was really yummy and we'll be making it again, next time maybe as a Breakfast for Dinner dish.  This would be easily adaptable as well, adding different veggies, or other kinds of cheese or sausage instead of bacon....

Pardon my picture.  I had forgotten to take any until we already started digging in!

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