Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Pinterest Challenge

A couple of months ago, I was reading a parenting message board and it was all a buzz about a website called Pinterest. I had heard of it before, tried checking it out once, became overwhelmed and moved on. But these women were so enthusiastic about it that they broke me down and I check it out again. Wow. Something that was even more addictive than Facebook! I could justify my time spent on there by saying, "But I'm getting so many great ideas to help me in my meal planning/decorating/parenting/homeschooling/cleaning/fill in the blank!" All of that was true, except for it wasn't really benefiting myself, or my family, if I never actually tried any of these great ideas I was finding.

Enter my great idea! A Pinterest Challenge! For one week, I will make dinner using a recipe that I have pinned on Pinterest and every day we'll try a craft or activity that I have found. I shared my idea on Facebook and was only planning on posting my reviews of each recipe and activity there but, after some nudging, I decided to keep a blog about it.

Now, as much as I'd like to make a great meal every night and craft my life away, I'm a homeschooling mom of 4 kids and, lets face it, sometimes life just doesn't allow that. So for this week I'm bound and determined to follow through on my Challenge but after that, it will be more sporadic.

I plan on posting the original link from each pin, along with pictures of how our attempts turned out, as well as reviews on how we liked each food or activity and if we'll try, or do, them again. Hope you enjoy!

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