Thursday, December 22, 2011

Two Ingredient Peanut Butter Fudge

I'm always on the lookout for new Christmas goodies that everyone in the family can eat.  The 3 year old is gluten free and I have a ton of food sensitivities myself and can't have chocolate (I know, life is so unfair!) so sometimes it can be a challenge.  I'm also not a big baker and don't have the patience for recipes that involve a lot of steps or require a lot of time in the kitchen.  When I saw the Peanut Butter Fudge recipe, that only used two ingredients, I knew I had to try it!

One of my crazy OCD tendencies adorable little quirks is food safety.  I wanted to know where these should be stored and how long and the original blog pin didn't give me that info so I went searching for it (love you Google) and found another website with the same recipe that told me what I needed to know (up to a week in the fridge if you're anything like me and have to know) and in the comments of that recipe post, a few people suggested adding a cup of powdered sugar to give it more of a fudge consistency so that's what I did.

Um....yum.  Seriously, this was so good and rich and the closest thing to my beloved fudge I've had since not being able to eat chocolate.  It literally took me under 5 minutes to make, then just needed to chill.  Beyond easy peasy.  We will definitely be doing this one again! Oh, and the kids loved it too!

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